
Edition 01 Wine-Source Asia Newsletter

Welcome to Our New Newsletter – “In Conversation with Wine Source Asia”

Starting from April 2024, we like to share our new monthly recap of events, producers & wine, anything which might be deemed of newsworthy interest.

We also welcome your views and feedback. So please let us know your sentiments and comments, if something catches your interest.

As it has been said before “ Feedback is the breakfast of champions”.

Edition 02 Wine-Source Asia Newsletter

Our inspiration for this month’s newsletter and selection of wines draws from a recent commentary made by James Suckling about the what the industry -driven by the tastes of customers- is gravitating towards.

As commented by James Suckling…

“.. Today we’re looking for transparency and drinkability it’s not about concentration, dark colour, rich powerful wines high in alcohol it’s really about wines that want you to drink them you taste them they’re beautiful they have great structure long harmony refinement … in general a wine trend that I see in 2024 is the same trend that was in 2023 and 2022 it’s all about drinkability it’s about wines that are transparent. You can see where they’re from and wine makers and vino culturalists are tweaking this in in the vineyard and in the cellar – that’s to say less intervention. Organics, biodynamics you know a lot of the buzzwords, but all these things are about creating a beautiful ecosystem to grow and harvest grapes and transmit that quality into the bottle and what’s in the bottle is absolutely delicious.”